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Annual Report 2019

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health since 1995, the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) assesses women’s physical and mental health, as well as socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, and their use of health services. The Study is a national research resource, and since its inception has provided an evidence base to the government and other decision-making bodies within Australia for the development and evaluation of policy and practice in many areas of service delivery that affect women.

ALSWH now involves more than 57,000 women in four cohorts that encompass the adult lifespan:

– Young women born 1989-95 (now aged 24-30 in 2019)

– Women born 1973-78 (now aged 41-46)

– Women born 1946-51 (now aged 68-73)

– Women born 1921-26 (now aged 93-98)

ALSWH strongly supports the use of linked data in health services research to provide evidence for evaluation of the use and impact of health services. Study data is currently linked with data from national administrative datasets (e.g., Medicare Benefits Schedule, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, National Death Index, and Aged Care) as well as state/territory datasets (e.g., hospital admissions, perinatal data, and cancer registries).

This report outlines the Study’s progress and achievements during 2019.

ISSN: 2653-3227
